The Atlantis Avionics DRA-707 Digital Radio Altimeter Test Set is designed to facilitate testing of digital altimeters by providing simulated aircraft radio altitude information in a flight-line environment. Using operator-defined parameters such as start altitude, stop altitude, and vertical speed, the DRA-707 defines a radio altitude ramp. This information, along with error and fault control information, is transmitted in digital form to drive the radio altitude buses of up to three aircraft altimeters.
The DRA-707 is connected to the front of the aircraft’s altimeter by a cable adapter and accurately simulates descent, approach, flare, and touchdown. The DRA-707 may be used whenever active control of the radio altitude bus is a test requirement. It may be operated from any convenient location, but is designed to be used in the cockpit area.
The following accessories are included with the sale of the DRA-707 Test Set:
DRA-707 Remote Control Unit
Battery Pack
Technical Manual
Calibration Certificate
Compliance Certificate
The following accessories are sold separately:
Various aircraft cables to support a variety of aircraft altimeters.
Fifty-foot extension cable.
The DRA-707 is housed in a portable, weather-resistant case. The lower portion of the case houses the electronics and the detachable upper part of the case provides storage space for cables and manuals. The principal electronic circuits are attached to the front panel, which is easily removed for maintenance. All printed circuit assemblies are designed to allow convenient removal and replacement using standard electronic shop tools.
Can drive up to three altimeters independently
3-part sequence to simulate descent, approach, flare, and touchdown
Smooth and repeatable sequences
Precise control of parameters
Stop/start/backup at any time during sequence
Allows introduction of simulated altimeter faults
Precise control of simulated altimeter reading inaccuracies
Sophisticated, yet easy to install and operate
Operable from the cockpit
Memory capacity of 99 test sequences
Digital circuitry with crystal-controlled accuracy
Altitude selectable to 1 foot from -20 ft to +8,000 ft
Large ramp rate range of ±16,000 fpm
Ramp rate resolution of 1 fpm
Better than 0.1% in all parameters
ARINC 429 Bus Frequency:
Variable, 10 kHz to 15.9 kHz, selectable with resolution of 0.1 kHz; default 12.5 kHz
Simulated Faults:
Failed LRU (AFCS data Continuous or Interrupted)
No Computed Data (no ground return)
Altitude Error (altimeter calibration error)
Maximum Signal Line Loads:
ARINC 429 outputs – 1000 ohms
TTL outputs – 150 ohms
RS 422 outputs – 100 ohms
Output Channels:
Three radio altimeters can be driven, each having TTL and ARINC 429 outputs plus AFCS discretes.
Output Word Labels:
ARINC labels 164 and 165 (BNR and BCD radio altitude)
Altitude Range:
+8,000 ft to -20 ft, with a resolution of 0.125 ft (BNR) and 0.1 ft (BCD)
115 or 230 VAC, 47-440 Hz or self-contained battery
19.5 in x 9.5 in x 13.5 in (50 cm x 24 cm x 34 cm)
24 lbs (11 kg) with battery